
Friday, May 9, 2008

Well i guess its time for another personal update. Lately the only thing i can concentrate on to get me through this year is our plans for Mexico, and so in an attempt to remove myself from all things work, I just plan and plan and plan our trip!

Work is currently mundane and uneventful. My work at the pharmacy is extremely repetitive, and while I enjoy the benefits of the job (such as friendly staff, regular hours and income), I get extremely bored. I do appreciate having the flexibility of the job, and am really thankful of being able to pick up a second job so quickly, as i know that without the $$ our travels next year could never happen. But I really am just working in order to save some money. This is an idea that I have been struggling with for the past few months: why do we spend more days a week working than actually living. It seems that on my working days I wake up, go to work, come home, sleep. And from such a busy week I am too tired to do anything on the weekends, and have to rest in order to function for the next working week. Its a never-ending cycle. Thankfully I will be rectifying the imbalance next year.

This brings me to the next idea that has been at the forefront of my mind lately. Recently I have been doing some self-reflection, and have noticed that I do not get any "me" time. Like above, my life at the moment consists of waking up, driving 1 hour to work, working 9-10 hour days, driving 1 hour home, trying to stay awake to spend some time with Nyall, falling into bed at about 9:30pm absolutely exhausted, in order to do it all again the next day. Where is the time for me?? Alongside this question, I have been discovering the importance of looking after my mind, body and spirit. Ive realised these three things are so important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and I've pretty much neglected all recently! I need to keep my mind busy. Since deferring from uni I havn't really entertained my brain very much, or made myself really think. I would like to start reading more, to be kept up to date with world news, and just continue to really ask myself some deep questions- all in order just to keep my brain moving. I've started journalling a little, and intend to contine to keep me a little more mentally active! In regards to my body, I always find I can think a little clearer after some good exercise. I aim to fit some more of this into my schedule, and also think a little more about the foods that Im eating. This leaves me with the spirit: Im struggling a little with my identity at the moment. Whether this is because of my busy lifestyle, or just the fact that everything is soon to change, I really want to find out just who I am. What are my giftings, what is my purpose in everything. In order for me to survive the next few months I need to give more of my time to Jesus, to discover who I am in him, and to realign my priorities with his ideas for my life. Phew! A bunch of really big things to fit into "me" time that is not existent in my already busy schedule! I think ill start working on the things that I can do, that don't impact time. For example, this week I may just start watching what I eat more. Im hoping then i will have more energy to fit more things in! Here's hoping...

Ok, so where was I? Jobs. Oxfam is as great as ever. Im mainly working thursday/friday nights, or weekends, but its ok. Bel's making a real effort to only give me 2 shifts a week (any more than that and i go crazzyyyy) , and i generally am only expected to work either saturday or sunday, never both. She's done an amazing job with the rosters since my availability at oxfam really sucks right now!!! This week Im working Thursday and Friday nights, which sucks in that after working at the pharmacy, I am totally exhausted and ready for bed by 8pm!! But atleast I get the WHOLE weekend off (woohoo!) which is quite unusual for me. I totally love Oxfam, i think its turning more into a hobby than a workplace for me. Its pretty quiet and lonely during the days that Im alone there, but I have heard so many cool stories from people lately. I think my ears perk up when I hear people mention overseas travels, and I just try and gain as much as I can from them! There's so many people in the world that have been to so many places, and I can't wait to have my piece of the pie. People are always more excited to tell me their stories when I mention that I will be going to the same places soon.

Things brings me to the last piece of life that I wanted to talk about, but in no means the least! Nyall and i signed up to about two months ago now, and eversince we signed up we've been inundated with requests of people wanting to come and stay at our house. Emmanuel & Mariette stayed with us for 2 nights in March, they're from France and are touring up the east coast of Australia. They were really lovly, and we even have plans to go visit them in France in 2009. And then there's Josh & Tonya. Josh sent us a message in March sometime asking to stay at our house, and we agreed that they could stay with us for 4 nights. Well... its mid May and they're still with us :) we absolutely love them, and will be so sad when they leave. Tonya is due to fly out of Australia this sunday, Josh will stay-on but move closer to the city where he's picked up a job. These guys have been such an inspiration to us, initially because we could get a glimpse of what our lives might look like when we're out travelling next year, and now because they've been such good friends to us and are just really beautiful people. We've had so much fun, and I hope that our plans come into fruition of meeting up in Peru'09! (im not too sure if they will though- i don't think these guys will ever be heading back to the Americas!!).

So this is my journal. I think I may have written a little bit more personally (and longer!) than what I would have liked, but here it is for the world! Its kinda scary posting inner-most thoughts on the internet. I started this blog so that the friends and family that I live far away from can know what is going on in my world, but as it turns out by reading my blogs you'll probably know more than if you saw me in person!

Have a good day everyone, my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Anonymous said...

What a great blog!!!! It's great that you're taking the time to think about YOU, what you need and want. Enjoy the journey. And don't worry about the routine- time flies and December will be here before you know it! I had such a wonderful time staying with you guys, and hope to catch up with y'all again!!!!! Lots of love, Tonya

Jane said...

Hey Marlei,
Great to hear what's going on for you at the moment. I always find blogging fairly therapeutic! We are praying for you and your preparations for next year. Hang in there xxx

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